
All informative materials contained in LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" website is a property of "Brasta Latvia RĪGA". These provisions apply to all website visitors and users of its resources. By using the materials of this portal, the visitor undertakes to fully comply with the following rules without restrictions and exceptions.

LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" tries to make its homepage utmost available and actual for all users. All placed materials are credible, but LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" does not guarantee their completeness and reserves a right to introduce changes at any time without a prior notice to the interested persons.

All information placed in the website is based on officially published informative materials of such manufacturers as Baltijos Brasta, Brasta Latvia, DuPont, JUTA, Gerband and individual 24 years' work experience and use of materials in Latvian climatic conditions. At the same time "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" admits that its website may contain inaccurate information due to technical causes during the information delivery and publishing. All complaints about errors, which are not of a technical nature: untrue information (inaccurate data) may be reviewed within two days of publication of materials, on the basis of official documents submitted by the representatives of company, the interests of which might be harmed with inaccurate information.

LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" does not bear a responsibility for the consequences of using of informative resources or inability to use thereof. Information published in this website, including tables, commentaries, conclusions, recommendations is a private opinion of LLC "Brasta Latvia" analysts.

LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" does not claim that each user will be able to achieve the results presented in this website. Performance of each specific material depends also on use of other materials: roof structure, heat insulation, profiles, phosphogypsum etc. References to manufacturers' home pages have only informative purpose and provide additional data. Besides interpretation of information and use of materials require certain knowledge and experience. For more information, please contact our sales representatives. This resource might contain information about websites of third parties. Transition from this website to other internet resource is a matter of user's options.

All contents of LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" website is protected by the Copyright Law. Users can take advantage of the information, texts, tables and graphs contained in this website only for personal, educative and informative purposes, but it is strictly forbidden to use this information for commercial purposes. Editing, printing and dissemination of any information obtained from LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" website can take place only with a permission from LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" management. In order to receive a permission, please call +371 67501680.

In case of violation of these provisions LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" will take all the necessary legal measures provided in the applicable laws. LLC "Brasta Latvia RĪGA" may change these provisions at own discretion, therefore it is advised to visit the homepage, where the abovesaid situation is explained, on a regular basis.